Polls consistently show that most Americans are unaware of the accomplishments of Democrats and the Biden Administration, and we all know how difficult it is to break through the right wing echo chamber that distorts so much of our political discourse.

Even within Democratic and progressive circles, we frequently find voters who may not be getting news of what Democrats have achieved for the American people.

This information gap imperils our ability to boost Democratic turnout, persuade independent voters, and win close elections.

That’s why we’ve decided to launch an opt-in messaging bulletin we’re calling Amplify ➡

Amplify will include a few talking points on key issues in the news, social media you can share, and often additional ways you and others can take action to help elect Democrats this election cycle.

Click here to OPT IN to get Amplify delivered to your inbox.

In addition to the Amplify newsletter, this space will serve as a clearing house for additional messaging memos, polls, and other messaging content that will help you become a better activist. Keep reading and be sure to share with your friends.

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